A History of Successful Technology Development and Support


John K. Kluska

Chief Client Officer


John Kluska - Chief Client Officer. John Kluska has over 25 years of senior management experience in marketing, strategy, revenue generation, and client development and care.  John was most recently a Principal of Market Win Consulting, a company that assists technology companies to build brands, market share, revenue, and client care organizations. John holds a BBA from Loyola University.

John’s technology background includes senior marketing, sales, consulting, and client care roles in telecommunications, decision support, organizational development tools, technology-based training, and human resources software companies. He has successfully built embryonic start-ups and helped grow established organizations.

At Physician Software Systems, John is responsible for all client-facing functions of the organization. He is responsible for communicating our value proposition of improved patient care and reduced costs for healthcare providers, as well as developing the client education curriculum and the support network needed to help our clients fully realize the benefits associated with our products.

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